B'nei mitzvah

We are here to help with your B'nei mitzvah 

Becoming a bar mitzvah (for a boy) or a bat mitzvah (for a girl) is a coming of age ceremony, but it is about more than simply being able to say, “Today I am an adult!”  Through one-on-one study each student is encouraged and supported in their spiritual, intellectual and moral growth.

We do not believe in prescribed gender-based roles in ritual life.  Both girls and boys are treated equally in our programme.

When you meet with us about the b'nei mitzvah process, details of the journey that you and your child will take toward Bar or Bat Mitzvah will be fully explained in addition to you being given a provisional Shabbat date for the ceremony – this provisional date is based upon your child’s Hebrew birthday.

We celebrate and affirm each child’s uniqueness.  Furthermore, it is our sincere desire to welcome all children.  Please feel free to share any special needs that your child has with the Rabbi so that we may best include them.

If you have any questions about the B’nei Mitzvah process please contact us.