
THANET AND DISTRICT REFORM SYNAGOGUE believe that learning is a central and lifelong part of the Jewish tradition.

A person can never stop learning and enriching their life through the gaining of knowledge , new experiences and skills. We endeavour to facilitate this wherever possible both directly or through our partners and friends.

From a Cheder Club for the young, staffed by experienced and enthusiastic members to adult learning, we can offer a fun and engaging learning experience.

Cheder Club is our program for children.  It is run and staffed by dedicated and professional educators.  It is very much based on learning through play, art and fun.  We would love to hear from anyone interested in their children attending.

As a small community our adult learning is done in the most part as part of the service program.  For instance we have Torah Breakfasts and evening occasions where we hold discussions on a variety of subjects.  However Reform Judaism offers a number of online and in person classes as part of their program.   From Torah study to leading Hebrew, there is a wide selection of learning opportunities.  You can find their resources here.

In addition TDRS offers a conversion program.  As a small community we do not offer any set times for this program but instead it is done on a needs led basis.  If you are interested in conversion and wish to discuss it with someone, please feel free to contact us.

Cheder Club

A Cheder Club is a great learning opportunity for the children and their families. It is staffed by experienced and enthusiastic people.  Find out more about it here or contact us to find out more.

Adult Leaning

We encourage continuous learning from both formal and informal resources.  This would include members and people thinking of joining us. We also are happy to talk about your interest in conversion.

Articles thoughts

Some thoughts and discussions from members of our community. We have a wide range of experiences and knowledge in our community and so there are some interesting reads here.